
This blog

I love books; especially fiction.  Fiction gives me access to knowledge; knowledge that isn’t pretending to be anything other than subjective.  That’s the problem with non-fiction; it’s pretending to be something it isn’t.

For me reading is a full body experience. I just don’t think you can experience what an author is truly trying to convey in a story without feeling the weight of the words in your hand, enjoying the cover art, smelling the ink and paper.

This blog is a collection of ramblings about books and reading.  It’s not a collection of reviews on specific books (there are enough of those on the web) and it’s not meant to represent my views about the rest of the world.  It is nothing more that an creative outlet for me and it is not designed to attract an audience.  If you have stumbled across these musings, then you are welcome to share or leave a comment, including views that differ to mine; just leave the negativity for somewhere else.

One last point.  I’d like to acknowledge the influence of my dad who was always reading, a couple of my high school teachers who challenged me in my teens to think critically about what I read and Kirstin Horton who loves books more than me, and who had an innovative business called bookstop and a little blog called paperbackculture where I shared some of these thoughts once before, many years ago.


I’m a man immensely grateful for the good fortune I have been afforded in my life.

I am married to a beautiful, intelligent, challenging, woman who indulges my passions but not my ego. I have two kids who love each other and think I’m an idiot; in a good way.

I have a successful career, a nice house (i.e. a big mortgage) and loving family and friends. I like blokey things like rugby and beer and wine and talking nonsense and “stuff”. I also happen to love creative industries, art, music and books.

I am also sentimental to a fault.

I believe happiness is a decision. It’s not always an easy one to make, but ours to make none-the-less.


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